Academic Writing

Library guidance for ethical AI use

Academic Writing


Advocacy Letters in Social Work

Creating a Thesis Statement

Critical Media Reviews

Decoding an Assignment

Drafting a Research Paper

Executive Summary

Gender-Inclusive Language

Introductions and Conclusions

Ideas for Invention

Lab Reports

Literary Analysis

Literature Review

Personal Statements

Rhetorical Analysis

Summary vs. Analysis

What Should Doctoral Students Expect When They
Make an Appointment with the Writing Center?


Library Guides for RC Classes


Guidelines for Writing in the Disciplines

WAC Consultant Dennis Bohr and University Writing Center Consultants contributed to the creation of these files. Bohr also solicited feedback from professors in the respective disciplines to ensure the accuracy of the guidelines.

When you document one of the guidelines, we recommend the following citation:


"Title of the Guideline." University Writing Center/ Writing Across the Curriculum. Appalachian State University, 2019, <>.


Title of guideline. (2019). University Writing Center/ Writing Across the Curriculum. Appalachian State University.

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